Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Semiotic Theory

Semiotic Theory

Semiotic theory is also known as the study of signs. There are 3 stages of this theory:
The perception stage - A person recognises a sign
The manipulation stage - A person realises how to respond to this sign.
The consummation stage - The person carries out the action ordered by the sign

Denotations and Connotations-
A denotation is the literal meaning of something or describing something how it is, putting something in its simplest form. Connotations however are hidden meanings behind things. These are things that we aren't told but associate them with these things. 
EXAMPLE: The denotation of a fox would be a small,brownish orange animal with a bushy tail. However the connotation would say that a fox is cunning and sly. Two very different ways to perceive the same object/animal  this is how easily signs can change the way we see things.

On this magazine cover, there are many of these signs, you just have to look closer to see them. One example of this is that all of the group members are giving direct address, which means they are looking directly at the camera this would connote the connection they want to feel with the audience, as though they were looking right at you. The placement of the members would also suggest that the man standing in the middle would most likely be the main singer or front man in the band.

1 comment:

  1. Kasey,

    You have successfully attempted all of the bog posts, however they are at a basic level. You have had numerous lessons to update and improve all the work set (and indepentently).

    Your target is a B - the work you have completed so far is currently acceptable, but will need a lot more creativity, effort and hard work to meet your target grade.

    You need to adjust how creative your work is presented and apply yourself better to acheive the highest possible grades.

    Mr McCann
